Gambling Industry Strategies to Influence the Reform of State Online Monopolies

The Case of the Gambling Industry in Sweden and Finland




case study, gambling, monopoly, policy, Finland, Sweden


The aim of this qualitative study was to investigate the strategies used by the gambling industry to influence the reforming of the state online monopoly into a licensing system in Sweden in 2019, and to weaken state online monopoly in Finland. Methodologically, this study used primary data from 9 expert interviews in both countries and secondary data from prior literature, which were analyzed using thematic content analysis. The results identified five main political strategies used by the gambling industry: (1) Information, through lobbying politicians; (2) Constituency Building, through forming an alliance with interest groups; (3) Policy Substitution, through promoting alternative policies and self-regulation; (4) Legal Infringements; and (5) Regulatory Redundancy. The study concluded that the involvement of the gambling industry in policy-making influenced the change of the state online monopoly into a licensing system in Sweden in 2019 and is weakening the state online monopoly in Finland.

Author Biographies

Thomas Babila Sama, University of Helsinki

Dr. Thomas Babila Sama, Ph.D is a Postdoctoral Researcher in Social and Public Policy and is currently employed at the Unit of Social and Public Policy, University of Helsinki, Finland where this project was carried-out. Dr. Sama has extensively studied gambling research in Sweden and Finland, and has worked in several research projects as Postdoctoral Researcher and Principal Investigator (PI). He was the PI of this study and did write the background of the study, collected the secondary and interview data, analysed and interpreted the data, and reported the results as the first author of the research article manuscript.


Heikki Hiilamo, University of Helsinki

Professor Heikki Hiilamo, PhD is Professor of Social and Public Policy and is currently employed at the Unit of Social and Public Policy, University of Helsinki, Finland and the Finnish Institute for Social Welfare and Health. Hiilamo has extensively studied gambling research projects and has led several research teams. As the supervisor of this study, he was involved in drafting the article manuscript for publication, revising it critically for intellectual content and approving the final version to be published as co-author. Both authors agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work.


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How to Cite

Sama, T. B., & Hiilamo, H. (2024). Gambling Industry Strategies to Influence the Reform of State Online Monopolies: The Case of the Gambling Industry in Sweden and Finland. Critical Gambling Studies, 5(1), 1–20.